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Pieces rethought

"...and you will know the truth and the truth will make you free." John 8:32

I love my bookcase.  It belonged to my late mother and was one of the few things I brought with me from Finland to Canada.  But this beautiful bookcase has one characteristic I don't like: if you wish to move it, it has to be taken to pieces, and putting it back together can be tricky.  In order for the bookcase to be as sturdy as it's supposed to be, the pieces have to be in exactly the right place.  You might be tempted to hide minor scratches by turning some pieces around.  Don't.  So many times I've been almost finished with putting the bookcase back together just to realize the final pieces won't fit.  Starting over is frustrating, but also the only way to make sure this piece of furniture can be what it's supposed to be.

In live, ignoring our shortcomings or holding on to feelings like resentment can feel tempting, because the opposite would mean rethinking our choices, maybe even admitting we're wrong.  But, just like with the bookcase, the truth is the only way to make sure we can be what we are supposed to be.

God, help me to be truthful in everything I do and reorganize the pieces in my life when needed.  Amen

Mira Salmelainen, Montreal
from Eternity for Today

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