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To see with new eyes

Then Jesus said to him, "What do you want me to do for you?"  The blind man said to him, "My teacher, let me see again."  Mark 10:51

Sometimes, I cannot see what is right in front of me: too busy, too preoccupied, too overwhelmed, too unwilling to see important things staring me straight in the face.  Sometimes, I wonder if in the church, we don't experience a similar problem.  We get so focused on our inward ministry, caring for building, for finances, for making sure we have the right programs to attract new members.  These things are a part of our ministry, and yet, what I sometimes fail to see right in front of me is that (with) all those things (I) should also keep my attention focused on outreach ministry as well.  What are the needs in our communities that we need to see again; where are the injustices that we need to see with new eyes; where is God already at work in the world where I can partner to bring peace, hope and acceptance of love to a neighbour?

Creative God, open our eyes to see you in our midst, open our ears to hear your invitation to partner in ministry, open our hearts to new ways of serving, move our hands and feet to bring hope and healing to the world.  Let us see again through your eyes where you call us to serve.  Amen

- Tanya Varner in Eternity for Today, October 24, 2021

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