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What is important in life?

We are in the season of Lent, forty days of reflection and repentance that lead to Easter.  Lent is the season to discern what is important in life, and begin the hard work of finding home, not in the outward trappings of life that we work so hard to build…but in God. 

To help you in your discernment, I would like to share a story: 

A man traveled from America to visit the great Rabbi Israel Kagan in Poland.  The man made the pilgrimage to meet the great thinker, and he was excited as, finally after a long journey, he knocked on Rabbi Kagan’s door and was greeted by an elderly, stooped gentleman who asked him to enter.  The man entered the house and looked around, a bit stunned.  The rabbi’s house was totally empty, bare of furniture as if no one lived there. The room contained only the very basic spare furnishings: one table, two chairs, a bookcase, and a bed.

This was the home of a famous rabbi, so the man was confused.  “Rabbi, may I ask a question?” said the man.  “I don’t notice much of anything here in your home.  Where are your things? Have you fallen on hard times?”

The rabbi turned to the visitor.  “And may I ask you a question, young man?

“Certainly,” came the reply.

“Where is all your furniture?”

“I have an oak dining room table, and a beautiful bedroom set all at my house in New York,” said the man.  "Do tourists generally take such possessions along in a moving van? I’m just passing through!”  

The rabbi gave his guest a gentle smile.  “As for this world I, too, am just passing through,” said Kagan. 
“Then again, aren’t we all?” 


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