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Fasting for Lent?

If Lent is to be a time of transformation – sorrow over our failings, contemplation of Christ’s sacrifice for us, and making change because of these things – a journey to focus on how to change and grow in grace, then giving up coffee, meat, or candy don’t have much chance of inspiring the change, the transformation, we need. 

Instead, how about returning to God “with all our heart” (Joel 2:12) through our thoughts, words and actions?  Check out this list of What to give up attributed to Pope Francis in 2017:

  1. Fast from Hurting Words and say Kind words.                  
  2. Fast from Sadness and be filled with Gratitude.
  3. Fast from Anger and be filled with Patience.
  4. Fast from Pessimism and be filled with Hope.
  5. Fast from Worries and Trust in God.
  6. Fast from Complaints and contemplate Simplicity.
  7. Fast from Pressures and be Prayerful.
  8. Fast from Bitterness and fill your heart with Joy.
  9. Fast from Selfishness and be Compassionate to others.
  10. Fast from Grudges and be Reconciled.
  11. Fast from Words and be Silent so you can listen.

So, give up indifference and procrastination, refuse mediocrity, and grow in being the Christian you can be.  Have a holy Lenten journey!  You can do this.

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