
Listen up!

Perhaps the church, at its best, is “all ears.” God urges the faithful, again and again, to “listen up!”—to heed the word that gives life. So it was with Abraham and Sarah, Mary and Martha, and the early church at Colossae. So it is today.  Hear the word of God, the word of life.  Hear God in the world around you.


Who is my neighbour?


A Blessing for Pentecost


Prayer for Uvalde, Texas

Kyrie eleison.  Lord, have mercy.

produced by Dave Pascoe


Room at the table

In 2017 Canadian private-label company Presidents Choice rolled out their #eattogether campaign. Their powerful series of commercials encouraged people to be present to one another and to be intentional about gathering around the table to share meals with family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, and even complete strangers. These commercials show tables that are spacious and welcoming, always with enough room for everyone.

In Sunday’s gospel (May 1), Jesus too shares a meal with his disciples. Christians throughout the ages have gathered over meals, trusting that Christ is revealed to us in the breaking of the bread. Simple elements become holy as we are united with Christ and each other in the Lord’s supper. We share potlucks and picnics and bring food to families in times of grief and celebration. Food unites us. Where has Christ been revealed to you in the breaking of bread?

Here's one of the #eattogether commercials:

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