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We are pivoting again.

It was March 2020 when we closed the doors at St. Philip's to in-person worship.  Since then, the sanctuary has seen parts of the service recorded, livestream of worship service with 10 or fewer people in attendance, baptisms and funerals.  For 18 months, the church has been open online but physically closed to congregational worship. 

We pivoted in how we prepare for worship.  We pivoted in how we present the music, how readers share the Word, how we lead prayer, and how we send into the world.  These parts of worship were lead by participants from coast to coast, and in other countries as well.  Pastor Tuula and Chris, the music director, prepared and recocorded their key parts.  And Dave put it all together.  And then the pivot for the kids was the creation of "The Bible Bunch" by Meranda - a video series welcomed by all ages - which included our youngest members.  We became a global congregation.  The pivot brought many wonderful blessings.

And now we pivot again.  September 12, 2021 will see the doors open for in-person worship. To do this, there are many changes:  sign in, wear a mask, keep physically distanced, humming not singing, individual communion cups, not passing the offering plate, and no coffee hour.  We can make this pivot.  And we will share this worship live via Zoom and online through a recording.  We will have safe and accessible options.

We will continue to include people in the worship who cannot attend in person.  We have new audio-visual capabilities.  We can do new things, new ways.

The pandemic has changed many things and we need to pivot again to try these new things and new ways.  Through this though, there are constants: our relationship to God and others (and self) are important.  Our connection to neighbours and living our vision remained strong while it too pivoted.  We can pivot.  God will be in relationship with us whether we sing or hum.

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