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Look in the dirt...

In the gospel reading for the 5th Sunday of Lent, John 12:20-26,

Jesus plants the image of the (dead) seed coming to life and bearing fruit, as a metaphor for his own crucifixion and being “lifted up” on our behalf. The Greeks ask to see Jesus. We might paraphrase Jesus’ oblique response this way: “If you want to see me, first look down into the dirt; then look up to the cross.”

From Sundays and Seasons

So many times Jesus tells us to look around us.  He and God are here in the dirt of the earth, the muck of the world.  And from this, good can come for all.

What better time to look down at the dirt than spring?  To see the signs of new growth.  From death to life.  From the cross to resurrection.  From despair to hope.  From empty to full.

May this time of Lenten reflection show you the hope and love of God for you and all people.

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