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After the water

In the news lately we have heard of the devastation in Texas from climate change:  unusual extreme temperatures.  Cold.  Water freezing.  Pipes bursting and flooding.  A power system not prepared for this event, both in the long and short term.
But... after the cold and freezing came caring.  After the ice... a community helped in recovery.  People caring.
And so to, after the water of baptism, Jesus showed us that our baptism requires us to care. To strive for justice and peace.  
Immediately after Jesus is baptized, the Holy Spirit drives Jesus into the wilderness, where he is tempted by Satan. Mark does not give us much detail, but even the outline is significant. Baptism does not make Jesus’ life easier. Baptism does not fix things for Jesus. Just the opposite, baptism complicates life, for Jesus and for us. Baptism compels God’s people to strive for justice and peace in all the earth. There are plenty of philosophies which argue for similar action, but none are backed up by the Holy Spirit forcing the action. What are some choices your baptismal calling led you to? What are some faithful decisions your congregation made counter to conventional wisdom?

 -from the worship resource Sundays and Seasons

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