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Touching the wounds of Christ

The Gospel lesson for April 19th is the story we all think of as "Doubting Thomas".  As is true of so many stories we read from the Bible, there are several things we can focus on.  The act of doubting or the sharing of peace can be a focus of this story.  But also is the recognition that we too can touch the wounds of Christ.

We touch the wounds whenever we see the need in others.  The wounds in God's creation, both human and in the world we share with all living creatures.  During this pandemic there is even more need.  Those who were wounded before the virus are even more at risk now.  Essential workers have needs.  There is more loneliness and fear.  There is certainly doubt and anxiety.  And there is sickness. 

But touching the wounds does not mean despair.  It means that there is opportunity for healing.  We can help each other through this time.  Indeed we must.  Together our actions will "flatten the curve" and we will stop the spread.  Individually there may be opportunities to help others:  pick up groceries for someone who can't leave the house, call someone who is alone, stay in touch with family and friends, and keep all the wounded in our prayers.  Simply staying home is helping.

One interesting effect from the virus and lockdown, is that some of the wounds on our earth have been healing.  We know that human activities have wounded the land, water and air, plants and animals.  Have you seen some of the pictures showing how by us staying home, air pollution has reduced and fish are in clear waters where they haven't been seen in generations?

Easter is not about going back to what was.  Easter people go forward into the new.  We don't know what the days ahead will hold, but we do know that with God we can touch the new reality as Thomas did.  Resurrection holds our woundedness and brokenness, our hurt and failure and loss.  Thomas shows us the courage to touch the wounds, to name them and share them.  And through God, we are given new life.

We are invited to connect with Christ and challenged to have Thomas’s courage to reach out to touch our own and others’ wounds with healing and grace.

We are Easter people.


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