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For when the world seems dark

An Advent Prayer

In this Advent of isolation, we light the candle of Hope

and pray for all of those facing despair, displacement and loneliness.  May they find comfort and joy.

In this Advent of uncertainty, we light the candle of Peace

and pray for your Spirit to calm our anxious hearts, and those of our siblings around the world.

In this Advent of mourning, we light the candle of Joy

and give thanks for the comfort that comes from knowing Christ, even when we are worn out and weary.

In this Advent of division, we light the candle of Love

and pray that we may draw together in unity and mission, remembering that we are all together in service.

Lord, as we expectantly long for the coming of Christ may we be open our hearts with compassion and care and may our prayers and deeds serve to heal a broken world.

(A prayer provided by CLWR.)

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