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The BE-attitudes

In the Old Testament, Moses went up a mountain and God gave him the 10 Commandments, new laws to live by.  He and the Hebrew people wandered for 40 years in the wilderness looking for the Promised Land.  In the New Testament, after spending 40 days in the wilderness, Jesus went up the mountain to give the people a new way to live as God’s people looking for the Kingdom.  The first thing both the Commandments and the Beatitudes tell us to do is to put God first.

The Beatitudes turn worldly values upside-down.  Jesus promises good things and some spectacular rewards to people who are having a tough time or normally don't get rewarded.  Are his rewards and comforts 'due' in this world or the next? ...or both?  His Beatitudes make you think.  They are provocative.

As is true of Jesus’ teachings, the Beatitudes are something to read again and again and learn new lessons each time.  Jesus commends the meek, the merciful, those with pure hearts, and those who work for peace.  These are virtues we have come to know throughout our whole history with God.  Others in the list are more surprising.  Jesus blesses the poor, the hungry, and the weeping as well as the virtuous, recognizing the injustice of their situation and assuring them of God’s care.

The Beatitudes give us a framework for living – attitudes to acquire to be faithful disciples. Having these attitudes lead to blessings beyond measure.   They are “blessings” which mean true happiness.  These Be Attitudes are keys to the kingdom. The Beatitudes deal with the here and now and what will be in the future. 

The only challenge then is to “be”.

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