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Bring back compassion - bring back the Golden Rule

The "Golden Rule" is found in many religions and cultures and the basis of morality.  It's time to bring it back to the forefront.  It is what brings us together; it makes us neighbours.  It brings compassion.

The following are some ideas expressed by Karen Armstrong during a TED Talk (Check it out: https://www.ted.com/talks/karen_armstrong_let_s_revive_the_golden_rule/up-next?language=en#t-573096)

There are 2 expressions of the Golden Rule:  the positive (do unto others…) or the negative (don’t do…)  This brings compassion and is the oldest known version from Confucious. 

Karen explains this as:  Look into your heart and see what causes you pain – and then refuse to inflict that pain on anybody else.  Compassion works.  “All day, every day”  according to Confucious – puts others in the centre and not yourself.  Compassion then means action.

Bring back the Golden Rule.  Bring back the compassionate. 

 “I feel an urgency about this. If we don’t manage to implement the GR globally, so that we treat all peoples, wherever and whoever they may be, as though they were as important as ourselves, I doubt that we’ll have a viable world to hand on to the next generation.  The task of our time, …, is to build a global society… where people can live together in peace.”  Karen Armstrong, 2009

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