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On vision

A hope or dream of the future. 

According to the dictionary, this might be a description of what St. Philip's would like to achieve or accomplish in the mid-term or long-term future.  It is intended to serve as a clear guide for shoosing current and future courses of action.

60 years ago there was a vision shared by people of faith in this community.  That vision led to the extablishment of St. Philip's.  A place of community providing a place to worship, celebrate the sacraments, instruct both children and adults.  A centre for "telling the story", and acting on our concern and love for neighbours, far and near.  A place that welcomes all generations.

Over the years, many more gathered to become a part of that vision.  No vision can become a reality without commitment.  They gave of their time, talent, their prayers and their monetary gifts and with God's blessing, brought that vision to reality.

Time has passed.  It's now 2018:  we have changed; our neighbourhood has changed; our world has changed.  Our core values and vision for St. Philip's hasn't changed radically in 60 year, but it's always a good thing to re-evaluate, refresh, regroup and recommit.

Through Church Councils direction, we have a "new vision", a renewed focus on providing programs to children, young adults, families and connecting with near-neighbours.  To bring that vision alive requires your commitment.  A commitment of time, talent, prayer, and financial support.

On behalf of your church, I ask that you prayerfully consider the information provided in your stewardship envelope and be a part of keeping St. Philip's vision alive and well.

--Kathy Dragert

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