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Stewardship Moment: Why I'm proud to call St Philip's home

I will preface my remarks by saying that CHURCH has always been an important part of my life, and I would feel spiritually empty, alone, and discouraged without its presence and influence in my life.
Question- WHY ST. PHILIP'S?
Warm Welcoming Place - When my husband Dennis & I first came to St. Philip's (20 years ago), we received a warm welcome from the people here, even though we were not Lutheran background. I remember that we got a visit from the Pastor the first week, who welcomed us for who we were, answered our questions about the doctrine, and encouraged us to give St. Philips' a try, and find our way in ministry. How thankful we were for this, and it’s a testament to you that I’m still here. (I guess the trial is over)
Encouragement & Support  - Life is not always a bed of roses, and like many of you here, I also was faced with the death of my spouse, my parents, and mother-in-law. In all of these times, I found the support of people here at St. Philip’s. Also, just 1 year ago, I faced a severe health issue that forced me to be laid aside for several months. What did I learn? God is faithful, and was with me, but also the people at St. Philip’s supported and encouraged me with your cards, gifts, phone calls, & visits, rides when I couldn’t drive, and always your prayers. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart, and may God bless you for your care and concern for others.

Outreach ProgramHere at St. Philip’s we state that we are In Mission for Others and I hope we never lose sight of this, as I feel we have been so blessed, that it’s our joy to be able to give back to others who are less fortunate, whether at home or abroad. Some examples of this are the Food Bank, Market Share, Reformation challenge of the tree planting, Sponsoring refugees, and the global work of the CLWR. How blessed we are here at St. Philip’s, what a joy to be able to give back to others, and help in carrying out the Great Commission.
I will conclude with a verse from Luke 6:38 which I find very meaningful as it talks about the blessings we receive from giving from the heart!!!
It says, “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”
May God Bless you as you give from an abundant heart.


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