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Update! (April- June 2014)

We've been busy busy bees these last two months! Between Confirmation Sunday, Easter Sunday, Palm Sunday (all the Sundays!) it's been a wonderful crazy ride!

Check out our gallery here.

But let's hit the highlights!

Paster Tuula, in all of her wonderful glory not only gave us bubbles, but cracked a confetti egg over a kid's head! Talk about engaging children's sermons (that we all definitely participate in. I'm looking at you kids at heart!)

Our Cover Girls sold a number of absolutely gorgeous quilts over two lovely May weekends. Awesome work ladies! We look forward to your next display of quilting prowess. 

Confirmation Sunday recognized the commitment of three beautiful young ladies into God's congregation. And keep your eye on Alicia! She just won the World Literacy Canada Write for a Better World contest and met Canadian author Kelley Armstrong!

Our choir held their end of year party in Mississauga as well! That marks the "end of the year" for rehersals and choir anthems. Interested in singing with us this fall? Come out Wednesdays at 7:30PM. We'll be sure to post the first rehersal date as soon as we have it. 

Team St Philip's (Jerry Hogeveen, Jeff Macko, Gary Morningstar and John Stewart) won the Waterloo Seminary Golf Tournament at the end of May. Congrats gents on bringing home the Bishop's Cup!

And that's not even the end of June! We still have our annual picnic on June 15 (10:30AM on the lawn for worship, BBQ to follow with games for all. Free will offering covers food expenses) and our final youth event for the year at Centennial Park (6:30PM June 20 @ church. $10 fee applies, there may be ice cream after). 

So even though everything else is winding down for summer, we're still going strong! Keep checking back here, on Facebook (St Philip's Lutheran Church) and on Twitter (@SPLConline) for any upcoming dates and info. 

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