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A summer movie recommendation

There is a movie I recommend to you for your summer viewing. It's called Love! Valor! Compassion!   It's about eight men who meet over the length of one summer.  One of them is sick.  He has one fear which is even bigger than the fear of dying.   He does not want to face death alone.   He and his longtime best friend meet together on the steps of the old house late at night.   In the deep quiet of a late summer night,  the two old friends have a conversation about friendship, the wasting away of our bodies, and the renewal of our spirits by the power of love and the gift of compassion.   Buzz tells Arthur he is not afraid of pain, or even of the dying of the physical body.   He wants to know only that he is loved and that he will not die alone.  His friend Arthur promises to be there.   It is a great moment, because Buzz's spirit is renewed for more life through the promise of the presence of love. 

It is summertime.   It is time for some relaxation and resettling of life's priorities.  And time to reclaim for ourselves God's purpose for our living.   Let us spend our summer well!   

See you at church,  Pastor Tuula

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