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Cover Girls Rule



This quilt was sewn and designed by the St. Philip's Cover Girls with the help of Madbakh volunteers.   Fay Spark and Arlene Somerville get a special shout out for hard work late into the night.   On October 3rd it was presented to Fowsiyo Yussuf Haji Aadan, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minsiter of Foreign Affairs.   She was in Canada for an official visit which included a meeting in Toronto arranged by Ted Opitz.   The Minister promises the quilt will be proudly displayed in the Foreign Affairs office in Mogadishu.  The quilt has the flags of Somalia and Canada and incorporates quotes from women on the squares below the flags.   The creation and presentation of the quilt is a wonderful example of what it means to live in community.

If you are interested,  there will be a community meeting organized by Madbakh on Tuesday, November 12th at 7:30 at the church.    It will begin just as the after school tutoring wraps up.    


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