
Altar Care Team

aka Altar Guild

Do you like to set the table?  Come set ours! Help prepare the altar for worship: the table coverings, the dishes and the flowers.  Have a flair for decorating?  We love special settings for the holidays.


Take on a project

We are looking for people to take on a project.  Pick one (or more):

  • the Angel Tree
  • Christmas Families
  • Sock Sunday
  • serving 1 dinner at Evangel Hall
  • lunches for Out of the Cold

Join a team

All committees need new ideas and then hands and feet to make things happen.  What interests you?  

  • coffee hour set-up
  • reading at worship services
  • ushering
  • healing and wellness
  • children, youth, and families
  • taking care of the property
  • worship
  • preparing the altar
  • music
  • updating the sign
  • so many things to do....what's your thing?

Fabric and thread needed...

The Cover Girls piece together fabric squares to make quilts for shipment overseas by CLWR.  To do this, we need donations of fabric and thread.  We turn sheets, drapes, duvet covers, clothes, etc. into 10" x 10" squares  for these quilts.  If you have any fabric that's in good condition, we can use it!  We also need thread to sew the squares together.

2017's shipment supported the Tanganyika Christian Refugee Service (TCRS). TCRS is an Associate Field Program of the Lutheran World Federation Department for World Service (LWF/DWS). It was first established in the former Tanganyika (now a part of Tanzania) in 1964, to primarily provide humanitarian assistance during the time when refugees fleeing civil strife in surrounding countries came to the relatively peaceful Tanganyika. Tanzania’s generous policy towards refugees and asylum seekers has since enabled hundreds of thousands of refugees from neighbouring countries to find safe haven.  


Giving Back - Sunday opportunities every week!

We always need another pair of hands to...

  • work the audio system during worship
  • usher during worship
  • set up the Good News Cafe
  • bring snacks for the table at the Good News Cafe
  • clean up from the Good News Cafe
  • share musical talents
  • be a leader in the childrenn's program
  • ....and many other opportunities!